Cultivate self-care and boost your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being with friends, family and, colleagues— through these custom-tailored group experiences.
Restorative Yoga, Reiki Healing & Intuitive Guidance
2 Hour Workshop · Pricing Varies
Healing is possible when we step away from the noise, calm our minds & release the weight of memories stored within our muscles. HEAL achieves this synergy through the integration of Restorative Yoga, Reiki Healing, and Intuitive Guidance. As a fourth-generation Clairvoyant, Heather uses Angel Oracle Cards to provide stuents with personalized intuitive guidance, facilitaing their healing processes. *No prior yoga experience is needed.
Revive and Restore
Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Group Hypnosis
2 Hour Workshop · Remote or in Person · Pricing Varies
Experience two deeply relaxing hours curated to bring physical and mental balance to your life— sleep well, reduce stress, and feel calm, focused, confident, healthy, and energized. Feel like the best version of you. *No prior yoga experience is needed.
Brake the glass ceiling through Hypnosis
50-Minute 4 week series · Remote · Pricing Varies
Access the subconscious mind through hypnosis to elevate your ability to achieve your vision. While in a relaxed state, you'll tap into your inner drive and remove the blocks needed to bring about the desired outcome and experience positive change.
Energy Balancing & Diamond Meditation
Restorative Yin Yoga, Reiki Healing & Diamond Meditation
2 Hour Workshop · Pricing Varies
Feel the shift within as we begin this experience by pairing Restorative Yin Yoga with Energy Balancing Reiki. Release that which no longer serves you as we dive deep into the denser tissues & emotional blocks, practicing mindful breathing with the "Four Phases" of resistance stretching. Together, we synchronize the body, mind & spirit with white light meditation, while diamonds assist in clearing each energy center, known as the Chakras. Leave this experience feeling anchored within a peaceful body, mind, heart, and soul. *No prior yoga experience needed.
She Talks to Angels
Intuitive Group Reading
Customized Session · Remote or in Person · Pricing Varies
Transform your life by letting go of what is holding you back. Weed out the things you don’t need to think about. Rejuvenate your emotions. Fulfill your potential. Be happy. Receive life guidance from your Angels, Guides and the Spirit Energy of past love ones. Using Oracle Cards, Heather serves as a conduit as your guides will give you the information you need to navigate life’s journey.
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“Heather, after Energy Balancing, I felt so tranquil. I don’t know how you did it, the stress that had been building in my chest and throat has disappeared. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough.”
— EM, Rockport, Massachusets